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Three Areas Where You Can Save Money

I believe that, just like people, our money needs a purpose. Sometimes it’s obvious what that purpose is: saving, covering the cost of housing, food, bills etc. but often, once those recurring payments are taken care of, the remaining dollars tend to magically vaporize from our bank account and drift off to find their own

What The Liberals’ Tax Promises May Mean For Your TFSA

Just moments after being sworn in as our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and his cabinet announced that Parliament will reconvene on December 3 and immediately turn their attention to taxes. While the priority focus will be on marginal tax rates for the middle class and those making more than $200,000, it’s worth paying attention

Are you playing rational roulette with your retirement plans?

We all know that our mental abilities will wane at some point, though we like to think it won’t be until extreme old age. Is it possible that those abilities diminish sooner and faster than we think, even in the absence of dementia? If we look around us, we can find objective benchmarks that suggest

The joy of retirement readiness

I’ve been facilitating courses and seminars on Retirement Readiness for long enough that I have been a part of hundreds of people’s retirement planning process. Some have come back to see me after they retired. Others have sent a message and some people I have run into them socially. The feedback I have gotten is very

Want to destroy your wealth? Here are 10 of the best ways to go about it

It was my worst financial mistake and left me in what seemed like massive debt at 18. Surprise, the problem started with a credit card. We’re not talking about spare change here. Financial Post’s Garry Marr looks at how taxpayers could get dinged by municipalities’ land transfer tax plans A teenager with a $1,500 credit limit in

Where in the U.S. will my travel dollars go further?

The misery of a Canadian dollar that buys little more than a slap in the face overseas makes backyard camping seem like a good idea. But while melting your MasterCard on hotel rooms in the United States is easy, there are ways to trip southward without incurring bankruptcy – so long as you target better

What do Boomers and Gen Y have most in common?

Both generations are struggling with their next big step — one into retirement, the other into the workforce. The parallels are remarkable. The Canadians who make up the two largest, most influential demographic groups in the country are vulnerable to challenging identity issues, partly as a result of the weak global economy. That is the key

Thinking about expanding your family? Here are some things you’ll want to consider.

Budgeting, life insurance part of financial planning for expecting parents Couples expecting their first child often find that the months leading up to the birth of the baby are an exciting time filled with anticipation. But those months are also a time for expectant parents to make some important decisions regarding their finances. Raising a

How well do you know your nutrition basics?

For such a universal activity, eating can be pretty confusing. Grocery stores are crowded with nutritional jargon — think: organic, vegan, enriched, local and GMO-free — and it’s hard to know what’s a legitimate health claim and what’s merely a smart bit of marketing. For example, Americans bought $43 million worth of foods labeled “natural”